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22nd November 2021
I think it's fair to say that these days we all live in a fairly homogenous world, and languages in any country reflect a blend of many others. In France they 'enjoy' their very own brand of Franglais, which features words like jogging, brunch, an...
16th November 2021
Whenever I'm writing a speech, I'll always be thinking of how to keep it as efficient as possible; after all why use 3 sentences when one will do the trick? A classic mistake in so many speeches is to say the same thing but in several differe...
12th November 2021
The groom speech has always featured the giving of gifts, and as with a few wedding traditions, this is something I have a bit of an issue with. Yes, the wedding day does present an opportunity to single out people who have been instrumental in ma...
8th November 2021
If life goes according to plan, your daughter will meet the man of her dreams, fall in love and then decide to get married. This all usually takes its time, and so with the natural pace of life, education, and career, that will probably be so...
4th November 2021
When it comes to public speaking, the way I like to look at it is: nobody normal likes standing up in front of a lot of people and talking out loud. If you're not prepared, it's nerve wracking, intimidating and can cause sleepless nights. The...
1st November 2021
I have long since come to realise that there are only two types groom: those that are very naughty, and have racked up multiple stories about their exploits over the years, and those grooms who are so nice and boring, they've racked up precisely n...
28th October 2021
Traditionally the best man can be a bit of a loose cannon. He's the guy you've selected to celebrate you in just the right way, probably a lifelong friend or brother, but deep down you're not too sure if he's going to over step the mark.  A l...
23rd October 2021
I recently heard back from a client I was writing for that said that a particular line in the best man speech, and I quote 'wasn't harsh enough for his humour'. This is symptomatic of the approach that so many best men take, and that's thinking th...
17th October 2021
Any speech, be it eulogy, corporate communication, leaving party or burial of  your pet goldfish, is all the better for humour. The humour in any speech gives it balance, helps to break it up, and in many cases makes it bearable. The lack of ...
13th October 2021
Well, to be succinct, yes and no. The 2 minute best man speech is out there, but to call it a speech might be pushing the boundaries of reality a little. In the UK lot of best men don't relish the thought of speaking, and more accurately...
9th October 2021
Evolution in wedding speeches is no bad thing; there is a lot of nonsense surrounding tradition that really needs to be dispensed with. A case in point is the tradition of the best man responding on behalf of the bridesmaids' toast given by the gr...
7th October 2021
This title might sound confusing, but actually at the moment it's the most common groom speech I'm writing for clients. You see, many couples took the chance last year, when the pandemic struck, to get hitched whatever the scenario. That frequentl...
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