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11th August 2021
Despite well catalogued best man speech disasters on the internet, there are still a legion of men around the world convinced that they can stand up, and knock out a great speech from the depths of their mind. This is only ever Route 1 to dis...
19th June 2021
I am regularly asked a lot of the same questions: how long should a speech be? How many toasts do I make? Should I mention the bridesmaids...yadda yadda yadda. However, the question I'm asked most often is: when should I start? My guess is, if you...
22nd May 2021
Well, obviously I'm going to say yes, but apart from the very real need to feed my children, why would you bother making a best man speech to a comparatively small crowd? It doesn't matter how many people are there, the premise of the best man spe...
23rd March 2021
There’s one golden rule about wedding speeches that people tend to overlook, and that is: if they can’t hear you, there’s simply no point. For some reason a sizeable chunk of people have an issue with using a microphone, as if it somehow sends out...
16th March 2021
The question about delivery is something I’m asked all the time. The idea goes that having a great speech is half the battle, but delivering it is the other half, and as often as I’m asked, I can’t be there to deliver it for you on the day. Well, ...
12th March 2021
We’ve all had one – you know the mate that suddenly decides it’s way better to hang out permanently with his new girlfriend and forsake watching the match in the pub with you, when he could be perusing the aisles of IKEA clutching a rolling pin an...
10th March 2021
I often say that the rarest wedding scenario I write for is two couples in their thirties, with two intact, happily married sets of parents. It so very rarely happens. Unfortunately, life takes its toll, people will be missing and nothing throws a...
9th March 2021
Most families have one or two individuals who seem to think they know a lot of stuff about….a lot of stuff. They’re the kind of people who can contribute to pretty much any topic of conversation, reflecting as easily on Angela Merkel’s foreign pol...
8th March 2021
Every now and again I speak to people who decide not to go with my services, and that’s completely fine. Some have the time to dedicate to write a speech, others rate their own comedy, and there are a few who decide that they’d rather spend the mo...
7th March 2021
The great thing about being a man is that you can bumble along in life and not really take that much interest in your surroundings, for about the first 30 years. Generally speaking we are a bit self obsessed up until that point, wondering what car...
3rd March 2021
The world has always been a big place, and ever since time began we’ve wandered far and wide trying to find that special someone…or at the very least, someone who seems a lot more interesting and attractive than the girl in Boots. Maybe it’s the b...
24th February 2021
The internet is awash with tips, tricks, hints and secret formulas to make your best man speech the most amazingly drop dead all time success in the whole history of weddings. Which is great, the only thing is, the internet isn’t that great someti...
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