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21st November 2022
Even the smallest, most modest wedding undoubtedly has an awful lot of planning and preparation. If your guest list numbers just 30, that's still 30 meals that have to be organised, 30 people to entertain, and 30 people to move around. It's little...
12th November 2022
Weddings are usually very jolly occasions - you get to spend time with a huge number of people you rarely get to see, some of whom you actually enjoy spending time with. However, there's nothing like a wedding to throw a spotlight on to who's not ...
1st November 2022
I spend most of my working life writing father of the speeches that have a backdrop of love and happiness, however, as much as we'd like to gloss over it, quite a few of those marriages don't go the distance. I was pretty amazed to discover recent...
20th October 2022
There are so many ways to get speeches wrong, and when it comes to best man speeches, you might be thinking that those reasons are pretty obvious: crass, inappropriate, lewd rantings from someone whose  IQ almost equals the number of beers he...
12th October 2022
I once heard a very funny radio interview with a guy, who was once asked by his wife which of the children he loved the most. He said he loved them both equally, but then admitted he'd lied, and that he loved his sin much more. Obviously, there is...
5th October 2022
In Britain we rarely invent very much anymore, but when we do it tends to be quite big - like the internet and recreational post pub casual violence. However, some of the innovation we're responsible for, isn't as progressive, and far more likely ...
21st March 2022
Very few things in life work better when you're completely plastered. Obviously, there are exceptions, and there's a very good reason why the military used to dish out rum tots before engaging in combat - being slightly squiffy can even make going...
8th March 2022
Most young couples about to get married are clearly quite keen on one another, and so they should be - they are, after all, committing themselves to all eternity together. It's in these days of heady devotion that besotted couples can bare to be s...
25th February 2022
For all the grooms that I speak to who have a morbid fear of public speaking, and view the groom speech as something to get through, rather than enjoy, there are a select number of grooms out there who view the groom speech as an opportunity to te...
4th February 2022
I've written many times that there is an underlying temptation for grooms out there to see the groom speech as 'just a groom speech'. In other words, it's a fairly routine meander through loved ones, a toast here and there, and some lovely words a...
27th January 2022
Weddings, and the traditions that they carry with them, have largely remained unchanged for many years, which is good and bad in equal measure. People can get a little too caught up in the whole business of following traditions, which are as meani...
20th January 2022
There's no getting away from it: unless you're a robot, and/or you have a semi dysfunctional relationship with your daughter, the father of the bride speech is going to be emotional, and so it should parts. As I've written many times befor...
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