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10th November 2020
  Now we are on the cusp on recovery, thanks to a vaccine injecting hope into the world for the first time since anyone can remember, it will soon be time to think about wedding speeches again, and for many that's about as welcome as a head ...
9th November 2020
  With all the jolity that surrounds a wedding, most people take it for granted that beneath the yummy design touches, the carefully crafted favours, and the string quartet, almost certainly lie a few issues. The bride will probably have had...
6th November 2020
  There's a statistic somewhere that states 75% of us are more scared by the thought of public speaking than we are the thought of death. I can only think that this is a result of not fully considering the impact of death, and over estimatin...
5th November 2020
  It's a well worn cliche that anyone under the age of 45 has no idea how to access any functionality on their smartphone. Reach the dizzy heights of people in their late 50's and things like cut and paste or attaching an image, are right up...
4th November 2020
  It's getting boring underlining the fact we're living in odd times, but we are, and weddings have been right in the cross hairs of the pandemic in every country right across the globe. Wherever you live, the number of guests, and how you c...
19th October 2020
  At the moment any kind of normal seems a long way off. We are living in a fully masked state of paranoia, where seeing friends and family can all too easily become a criminal offence, and going on holiday is about as fantastical as a trip ...
5th October 2020
THE COMPLETELY LEGAL WAY TO HAVE AS MANY GUESTS AS YOU LIKE AT YOUR WEDDING RECEPTION NOW. As we are all well aware, meeting each other and having a good time has never been so tricky. In fact, it’s largely illegal. You can only be amassed in gro...
2nd October 2020
FAKE PLASTIC NEWS Boris Johnson spoke in Parliament this week, to confirm his belief that even if he doesn’t have clue, and neither does his dad, that most other people somehow understand his Covid-19 restrictions. It came only hours after his ca...
29th May 2020
Derek Bludger from Hull was left fuming yesterday after his poor eyesight led him to say 'I do' to a massive horse. 'I'm furious to be honest with you' he steamed 'if the bloody government had come out with their lockdown eye test advice sooner, ...
27th May 2020
Bob Geldof like many wise men, have said all along that although we're living in straightened times with the Coronavirus, something good would come out of it, and he's only gone and proved himself right. Scientists and engineers at London's Imper...
26th May 2020
We live in a free and liberal world - mostly - and so it would seem on the face of it that anything is fair game for a laugh. Religion, politics and relationships are the regular butts of jokes, and by and large they all work. However, there are ...
25th May 2020
  There is only one type of best man speech...and that's a really funny one. I often speak to guys who say that all they want to do is get up there, say a few lovely words about the bride and groom, toast them and sit down. Well, do so and r...
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